Sunday, May 10, 2009

Book Binding and Book Arts

I attended the 3 day Southeast Association for Book Arts 2009 conference at the University of South Carolina this summer. I have always known about book arts but I was never aware of the growing community and the varying and extensive binding and decorating techniques that existed.

The workshops included basic book making by Kathy Strother, origami and tunnel books by Andrea Dezso, Wooden Covers and Mica Pages by Daniel Essig, and some printmaking workshops. Interestingly, none of the artists seemed quite possessive of their talents and were very willing to share it with everyone, which made the experience pleasant and wonderful!

I was very glad to take Essig's workshop and learned a technique called the Ethiopian style coptic binding. It included doing finishing work, painting, polishing, drilling, and carving wooden covers on our own for the books. It was a tremendous experience and if you are interested and ever get a chance to work with him, grab that opportunity!

Pictures along with this post are the books that I made during the workshop!