Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Fall Break and Movies

I watched two quite amazing movies recently. Even though both of those have been out for quite a time now, I never really got about to see them until this time.
I watched An Inconvenient Truth, a documentary film by Al Gore that talks about Global Warming. It was striking because I think that it is able of convincing every single foolish soul who does not believe in the planet's warming do something substancial about it.

The second one is called Children of Men and is adapted from a novel. Accoring to my friend who has read it, it is quite different from the book itself but is very impactful. It portrays a futuristic society where all the women are infertile, there are no young babies or even children, and the world's in a chaos and in a state of exile.

They are both worth watching, so go and check them out if you already havn't.

1 comment:

... said...

Hey Ruia great to hear from you again!
Those sound like some pretty considerable figures you have to try and raise! It sounds like you are on track though if you have already raised 2000, it must be quite a lot of work for you all.
As for the corporate nature of NGO's I too have found some organisations to be a little dissapointing but I think you are right, some level of bureacracy is simply unavoidable. I think the most important thing to remember is that what you are trying to do, and if there are certain individuals or procedures that seem a little artificial or self-interested try and remember that they are insignificant in whatever struggle you are pursuing.
As for raising funds for the Congolese women victims of sexual voilence you have to remember that we cant fix everything on our own. If you are busy with other work at the moment then focus on it for the time being and come back to the Congolese women afterwards. It is dissapointing about your promise to the NY times reporter but i'm sure it will all turn out for the best in the end.
I must say that I think it's just amazing how much good you are doing and that the world could do with a lot more people like you. I'm working 12 hour days at the moment so my level of involvement with any charity organisations has basically dropped to zero over the past month. And I have actually seen the film 'human trafficking' too! I did find it to be a good film but if you can get your hands on THE JAMMED I would really recommend it as i found it to be a far more realistic film. I would also recommend a film called INTO THE WILD that i just saw last week as it is just brilliant. It really gets the adventurous spirit in us going!
My new year has been great so far thank you and it will only be getting better when I head off in May for an adventure throughout Asia!!
I hope you are managing to have some time to enjoy yourself amidst everything else you are doing!
take care,
The Itinerant