Tuesday, March 18, 2008

BANAA- Building Sudan

All across the United States , students in a few universities are trying to bring atleast one student BANAA scholar from Sudan and fund their four year education.
Why Sudan? Why Scholarships?

In its 52 years of independence, Sudan has spent 40 years struggling between conflicts due to vast differences in income, inrastructure, education, and poilitical power. For this very reason, the Sudan Educational Empowerment Network has come up with this amazing program-"BANAA"- which will provide selected talented young Sudanese with "a four-year US undergraduate education, apprenticeships with global NGO leaders, and jobs in conflict resolution and sustainable development back in Sudan", thereby, helping the Sudanese bring peace to their nation.
The initiative of educating young people for building their countries is definitely a smart way to help make peace in the world today.The first BANAA scholar is scheduled to arrive at the George Washington University the coming fall and the Tufts, Mills College, and University of Florida are on their way trying to get a scholar by 2009. At the University of South Carolina, we are at the initial stages of signing a petition and sending it our President to get these scholarships going in action. If you want to do the same, the steps are easy. Visit the official website www.banaa.org which gives stepwise instructions for starting the process and bringing your efforts to a great headstart. There is also a link to the global facebook group regarding the same.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Ruia,
Great to hear from you again! I'm glad you enjoyed into the wild too, it made me laugh to hear your comment about falling in love with alex supertramp. I just read through your blog actually and the program about bringing in students from Sudan sounds amazing. It sounds like you are keeping yourself very busy as usual.
On a less happy note it is a very bad time for Tibet at the moment. I don't know if you have been catching much news as our media seems to have no interest in the matter but hundreds of Tibetans have recently been killed for protesting against China's treatment of them. There are many online petitions through getup.org, avaaz.org and the australia tibet council if you get a chance to add your name them. I was also thinking it would be great to keep in contact with you a bit more thoroughly as there seems to be quite a strong likemindedness between us. So if you feel like emailing me you can do so at kearrinsims@hotmail.com
Hope all is well with you,

The Itinerant