Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Back on Blogger

I completed my senior thesis and graduated from college with a bachelor's degree. So this summer is supposed to be one of a kind. And indeed, there has been time for much thought and action, the sort that was not possible earlier due to lack of time and maturity.

A great irony lies at this stage of life. Realization of one's maturity, capacities, and accomplishments during the four years of college makes one realize how unaware, weak, and incompetent one really is. While there is much joy and relief at at least accomplishing the former, there is a deep sense of vagueness about the direction and identity of self.

On a more cheerful note, there was much time to sleep and invest in activities that I love. I share many common interests with my mother. One of them is gardening. I was able to help her construct two plots of land in the backyard - for herbs and vegetables. In the herb garden, we have thyme, coriander, basil, fenugreek, dill, rosemary, oregano, and mint.

The vegetable patch has tomatoes, bell peppers, chilli peppers, brinjal/eggplant, okra/ ladyfinger, garlic, zucchini, potatoes, and cucumbers. The tomato and okra plants have started bearing fruits. Zucchini grows and spreads more than expected. If you look closely, the stem below the flowers develops into the fruit!
We planted a couple of marigold flowers as we learned that they act as natural insect repellents! And we built a low "fence", of sorts, to keep our daily evening visitors - hares - from hopping into the patch :) .

Contrary to what one would expect, toiling in the sun, tending to baby plants, was much pleasurable. And a much needed respite from the world of academia and computers...

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