Thursday, May 31, 2007

No Exit

After reading The Stranger by Albert Camus, I fell in love with the idea of existentialism as it is expressed in fiction. So a friend suggested that I read this play called "No Exit" by Jean Paul Sartre. This play vividly underlines the idea of existentialism and is an excellent allegory for the same.
Can you imagine being locked in a room with two people whom you hate the most? Sartre uses this storyline to show that the mind can actually be in hell in a peaceful environment because "hell is other people". It could be anything experienced in excess, be it a chocolate cake or ravenous sex. This whole idea led me to believe that the constant human need for variety, moderation, and instruments of balance exists to counteract the routine, maybe even creating heaven.

After reading that play, one thing stands clear- not that I really believed in it before, but I actually don't have to worry about "going" to hell. :-)

Actually, this whole thing reminds me of the American cartoonist Matt Groening, whose first series of cartoons were named "Life in Hell". It goes along pretty well!


Anonymous said...

You could also try "The Myth of Sisyphus" by Camus

Ruia said...

Thank you Anonymous! I will.