Tuesday, October 02, 2007

More Money for Wars

So, the US Senate passed the $1.2 billion budget for wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Even though it's very idealistic to think like that, but I still hope that they won't make things worse and think about spending it for reconstruction and improving the condition of war torn families.
This actually also got me thinking towards a lot of things that people should realize to raise their voices against it and do something about it-
1. Bush initially promised to capture Saddam and all the WMDs. The former's been done, the latter are obviously not there. There wasn't a game plan in the beginning on how to handle the little internal uprisings afterwards, was there? Here we go into a land whose culture we know so little of and are always ready to misinterpret...was that ever a smart decision?
2. I havn't seen a single soul in the United States, not even the President, "suffering through these terrible times". The war's affecting the economy, but that part doesn't stop anyone from enjoying, does it?
So who's actually miserable? The soldiers who go through endlessly harsh training thinking that they'll be defending the citizens of their own land and protectecting their country, and not be like those GI Joe dolls being walked around for a political motive.
3. There are fears of the draft being put into effect just in case enough soldiers havn't died and Bush can get yet more time to show "improvements" in the social/political situation in Iraq.
4. Lately, I have been reading The New York Times daily; the most excellent news coverage out there. One article on the front page is always devoted to the miserable condition and the sufferings of the Iraqis (take for instance the Blackwater incident that was repeated again and killed two innocent women this time)

With all this going on, how can one expect other countries/ people to like America/(ns) if we keep on making horrible mistakes like these?

Probably, like a lot of people, I am hoping that the upcoming elections bring a terribly smart head to the matter.

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