Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Shocking Sexual Violence in Congo

"According to the United Nations, 27,000 sexual assaults were reported in 2006 in South Kivu Province alone, and that may be just a fraction of the total number across the country of Congo."

Every day, 10 more women and girls are brought to the hospital as victims of this horrible crime. Yet, we were all ignorant of this fact until Gettleman decided to report this incident in The New York Times. Reading about these vicious attacks made me cry out in the public library the other day... Many of these atrocious acts are committed by psychologically disturbed hutu tribe, more than 800,000 of whom were killed off in the Rwanda genocide. The government soldiers share as much of the blame. With more than 17, 000 UN peace corps already out there, it still doesn't seem to stop.

I am trying to find out if there's something we can do about it/for those women...?

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